Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Earthenware water for health

Health benifits of earthenware pot water 

📝Friends, as you all know that the summer season has started and in the summer season our body needs water again and again and the biggest thing is to protect the body from the problem due to lack of water every body  need to take the water atleast once in an hour.

The growing trend of plastic, showing off, lack of time, blindly following western civilization and our negligence itself is becoming fatal for us, as we are not aware of our health.

 Let's know the importance of the water kept in the traditional Indian clay pot and the benefits of the water kept in it ..

✏There is no need to keep the pot of water cold as it keeps itself cool.

 ✏Freeze's coldly drank water can damage the throat, while potty water gives the throat coldness.

 ✏Due to the inclusion of the earthen portions, this water is beneficial for pregnant women.

✏ Soil is a natural means of purifying water, only then the water inside the earth is considered pure!  If you do not know, then tell me that the candles used in RO are made from a special type of soil.

 ✏Soil water protects the body from all types of Vata dosha and constipation! The body maintains digestion and maintains the PH level, prevents irritation in the stomach and prevents from acidity.

✏ Finally, the biggest thing is that all this also provides employment to millions of people in the country Promotes the country's handicrafts,  while the Plastic Bottles damage our body and envoirnment.  

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