Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Phulkari embroidery

Phulkari embroidery a traditional craft and status symbol

Phulkari is the traditional embroidery technique and hand art of Punjab, where phulkari word means  flowers. Punjab ,some parts of Haryana and a little in Himachal Pradesh is known for phulkari.
It is not only an embroidery, it is sign of love and affection which is made by ladies for their family members from newly born baby to old aged persons in dupatta, shawl, ladies suit and chadar styles from routine use to special occasions as shown in design and style it can be understood. Phulkari was never fabricated to sell.

Phulkari for the people of punjab is not just an embroidery , it is a traditional family culture, a pious ceremony which begins with the birth of a baby in family. Grandmother of the baby wave this with her fingers. 

Origin and history

The word phulkari indicates the craft of flowers made by hand with silk threads on clothes which is  combination of phul and kari, Here phul is said to flowers in punjabi and kari means craft. Phulkari work is done at the wrong side of cloth that come to right side finished.The work is done on full part of cloth or divided into parts like a flower garden according to design with colored silky threads by needles. The most favored colors in phulkari are red and yellow.

Phulkari art have even not any recorded or written history but said to be five hundred years old culture which is original of Indian culture found and created by punjabi community. Theme of which is based on flowers and garden specially.

Types of phulkari

Bagh Phulkari

In punjabi language bagh is said to a garden, so that bagh phulkari is done during ceremonies on a peace of  khaddar cloth as in garden shape in which the ground colors are no longer visible at all and the embroidery itself become fabric looks like a garden.

Silver and golden threads are used in this pattern. 

Different bagh Phulkaris


This embroidery is done at borders and center usually to be wear by bride.

Darshan Dwar

This is made to thank God after the wish has been fulfilled.


The main part of this embroidery indicates a Sunflower, colors used in this are same as in a natural Sunflower.


This pattern of embroidery includes and indicate to birds and different items of  jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, earrings etc. The sanchi is done specially around Ferozpur area.


This embroidery pattern is made of red or black background with yellow or bright red silky threads in metal colors mixing.

Phulkari dupatta designs

Heavy Phulkari work
Traditionally Phulkari was not made for sale, it was a part of marriage ceremony of a girl in which were the symbol of emotions and presentation of family status. Meantime it has become a rich source of income as being commercialized and being popular across the world.

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